Originally Posted by
Oh, well then, that...was good...
Glancing up at the staff table for a second or so, spotting the groundskeeper, Evelyn breathed out a long breathe and looked back to Mia. How in Merlin's name was she supposed to answer that question?
"I did!" she exclaimed, nodding and looking completely innocent and serious. "...Sorta." Yea, she sorta told Vico who told her to stop playing with fire. That's about as professional help as she was going to get.
Yeah that's what she thought.
"Sorta wasn't quite the deal Evelyn." Mia had only been trying to help her friend so that she didn't get into trouble. Or hurt herself or someone else but she could see that the Slytherin didn't particularly care about that.
"Well I hope for your sake, you know what you're doing. I don't plan on say anything. So I guess I can count on you not to say anything should I ever break a rule for some reason." Not that she had intentions of going out and breaking rules but you know, just in case she happened to slip up.
It was always good to have friends in high places and who owed you a favour.
Originally Posted by
Mia was in denial.
She was only saying those house elves weren't evil because she didn't want to face the embarrassment of knowing she had kissed something evil. Destiny knew it. "Fine! Merlin, they are not evil!" But.. they so were. "I'm still not going to apologize to them." She couldn't even remember why she was supposed to apologize in the first place. They got so off track with that conversation. *blink blink* "I don't remember telling you I steal, so it must not be true." The previous term was a long time ago.
Not even an hour as Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and she had already been injured. She was more than certain Mia had done that on purpose, trying to take out the competition. And then she was laughing, like one of those crazed hyenas they had seen on their safari. Destiny lowered her hand and moved her face closer to Mia's. "AM I BLEEDING!?" And yeah, she might have been yelling on purpose.
Actually Mia couldn't remember what the Slytherin was supposed to apologise for either. It always happened when they got together. They constantly got off track on what they were talking about. But she did remember that conversation about her stealing things because they'd had quite the argument about it.
"I swear...I am going to tape our conversations one of these days." Or maybe brew up some Veritaserum at the very least.
Sweet Merlin! The girl was nuts. Mia peered at her friend's face very carefully.
"Hmm, I think I see a little blood coming out of your nose. Let me fix that for you." She reached into her pocket and instead of pulling out a napkin or tissue, she pulled out her Puffeskin Arnold, his long sticky tongue flicking out towards Destiny's face.