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luna-p "Ah, no not really. My mother was busy with lots of things, but..." he paused there, trying to come up with a way to explain it without making it sound like she didn't care or neglected him somehow. Even if that was true, it wasn't generally something one went around telling everyone. "She made time to make sure I had my lessons," he continued, nodding with approval at his own choice of words. "What do your parents do?" Since they were talking about being busy and everything, it seemed like a good question.
Eris wondered why her own mother didn't get involved in clubs and parties, with more enthusiasm as Ash's seemed to. Isadora Ashwin was a highly disagreeable woman with an opinion always cocked at the ready, going to parties her husband brought her to only for the need of presenting herself.
The boyish little witch was highly interested till Ashley turned the focus back to her own family. Eris could talk all day about her boring life, but she wanted to know so much more about her fellow housemates.
She conceded of course, "My parents? Well....my mum is a house wife..." she started, almost about to laugh at the thought of her mother attempting to hold a job.... especially one like at Ollivanders, quickly brushing it off her mind before she really did let out a giggle or two.
"My dad works for the Ministry...but he also has a job with a mixture of wizards and muggles in London." Eris added with a bit of excitement voiced through her, as she had never met a muggle but would now and then hear the most interesting things on them when eavesdropping. "You know portraits? Well they have little still versions of them, muggles do, and they seem to enjoy my dad posing in random positions in these thin little books" Eris added giving a full tooth chuckle this time, unsure really how to explain the strange oddities that she found on accident.
"How about yours?" Eris asked with more interest showing in her blue-grey eyes, enjoying the topic pointing more in his direction.