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Gideon could see even before she spoke , his words had had the desired effect on Kurumi. The boy simply nodding in response as he caught her wink. As she spoke of the house-elves he look confused, following her gaze to the silverward and only then noticing the state of everything.
"Hmm. Odd...I wonder what's up..." Surely they hadn't forgotten when school would begin. It did happen every year on the same year for centuries after all.
I don't know," Kurumi said with a slight frown. Merlin! What if all the house elves were gone? What if Headmaster Tate had decided to dismiss all of them with a pair of Hogwarts crested socks and sent them on their way?! Would Twinkle have stayed behind? Kurumi hoped she would. "
But...we can't eat with these." She picked up a spoon...and SOMETHING brown and fuzzy fell from it and onto the table. "
Help me?"