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Old 09-01-2011, 01:51 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Christopher James
Sixth Year

98. Pajamas

Brian James was sprawled out across his bed, an enormous stack of papers beside him. It had been another long day at work, he had plenty of essays to grade for his tenth grade history students, and he was very tired....

About an hour later, he was awoken by the sound of little feet pitter-pattering across the floor. His four year old was soon shaking him, needing Brian's attention. Sitting upright, Brian scooped up the little boy, set him on his lap and pushed aside his papers.

"Christopher, what are you doing out of bed?"

Looking up at his daddy, Christopher said simply in his footie pajamas, "You need 'jamies too!"
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