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Third year at last. The first time Nika walked into this very train she was only eleven. A shy, confused, and wowed first year. Now she enters as a "grown up", by her standards at least. She's officially a teenager and officially ready for her third year of Hogwarts.
Nika dragged her trunk around looking for a compartment filled with her friends. Well the friends that she was in the mood to talk to. She poked her head into a few compartments along the way, but noticed that most of them were empty. The other students probably weren't situated yet either... So Nika continued to make her way from the very front of the train to the very back of the train to find someone to sit with. No such luck. So instead she let out a over dramatic sigh and dragged her trunk and her feet back to the front of the train. Finding a nice empty compartment she opened the door with a small yawn. She put her trunk away and decided since she was alone she'd just lie down on the seats. Maybe she could even get some sleep?
So there in one of the very front compartments of the train Nika was stretched across the seats of a small, empty compartment. She looked around before sleepily closing one eye and then slowly drifting into a nice sleep. If she needed some extra energy later on she had her stash of chocolate frogs to make her hyper like she normally is so no harm done.
Fee made her way through the front of the train.Maybe some of her friends were already there.Thanks to her brother the blonde was super early and most of the compartments were still empty.Loner train rides never were fun and the girl hated them.Come on there had to be someone.The Slytherin hadnt seen some of her friends in ages and maybe it was a nice time to do so now.
Pulling he trunks behind her the fourth year sighed a little.Glitter,why werent they allowed to use magic outside of the school?Seriously,those trunks were soo heavy and carrying them the whole could be quote exhausting.As the girl was about to give up and just wait for someone to carry it for her she noticed a red head sitting in one of the compartments.
Ohh wait,she looked familiar.Approaching the compartment door the blonde peeked through the glass and a huge smile apparead on her face.It was Nika.Yay.Opening the door the Slythern stepped in and plopped down on the opposite seat.
"Heeeyyy beautiful",she smiled,
"how is it going?I missed you." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Jason Potter Weasley
William looks around the trian for his friends,
Fee sat in her compartment and watched all the later students trying to find their friends.With so much people around that was a real adventure.The corridors were full of people and you had to look that you yourself werent walked over.Noticing a little blonde boy looking aroudn the girl smiled and opened the door to her compartment.
"Hey Willy",she grinned,"
want to join me?"