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Old 08-30-2011, 07:32 PM   #23 (permalink)
Marauders' Map
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Originally Posted by Patronus Charm View Post
Good questions...all of them. People are complicated and maybe JKR showed us just that...just because Snape loved Lily did not entirely remove his disgust/hatred for James and subsequently any offspring they had. It would be too easy to make Snape the all grand protector of Harry...I mean, he would be an angel if he had...but he didnt...he had very conflicting emotions of love, jealousy, dedication, etc.
Thank you for taking a stab at it. And you are probably right: The answer is that there is no truly satsifying answer, and that many (most?) people are not all black or all white, but are shades of grey. (Interestingly, JKR does offer main characters who are all bad -- Voldy -- or bascially all good -- Harry.) I just wish Snape had been a little more "grey" in his behavior towards Harry over the years. That would have made his love of Lily seem a little more real. IMHO.
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