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Old 08-30-2011, 03:42 AM   #114 (permalink)

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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Staring at a Wall.
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elias Inkwell
First Year
Snake disguised as Raven Browncoat

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
The young woman hadn't been in the tent for long, but it FELT like it to Jethro. Still, he didn't bother with checking on her yet since she seemed harmless. The man leaned heavily against the kiosk while sharing his peanuts with Juju, occasionally chatting with her and eyeing those who wandered past.

Blues eyes immediately going to the flash of movement, he flashed her a grin. "What would a little thing like yourself do with creatures like them?" She looked frail to Jethro, he was certain those pups could break her with their tails.

"Sure can, Darlin. It'll just cost you a shiny sickle." He nodded his head.
"Right." Morrigan turned to root in her belt pouch, flicking aside knuts and the occasional galleon in search of a sickle. As she looked, she said, "Spoil them rotten. We've got horses on the farm, but they don't fly, obviously. And my dad could always use an augurey, even though it'd freak him out. Here you are."

She handed over the elusive sickle, "D'you know a breeder? For the pups, I mean. I've never seen two so close in age before that weren't adults."
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