So Elizabeth, Quill and Charlie took the fireplace to Diagon Alley. When they arrived Elizabeth was amazed. She had been to Diagon Alley so many time but today was just diffrent and she didn't know what it was. She knew that she had to get a lot of things for school but she really didn't care she just wanted to take her sweet time and go to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. She wanted to make a rep for herself at her first year at Hogwarts.
Elizabeth knew that she had to go to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Her older sister Charlie always talked about how there was all different kinds of joke and gag items. Including the love postion. She knew she had to buy some before she goes off to Hogwarts this year. She wants to put a spell on some boys.

So she went straight to the love potions and starts to look around.
Tony looked around the shop and saw a girl about his age browsing... the love potions? He had this strange idea that he should avoid that section at all costs, but she was one of the few kids his age he'd seen all day. He decided to go up and talk to her. "Hi!" He grinned and waved. "My name's Tony. What's yours?" "Ello' Tony. I'm Elizabeth." Elizabeth grins back.
"So what are you doing here?" She asks politely.
Tony smiled. "Nice to meet you, Elizabeth!" He looked through the various aisles of jokes, pranks, and potions. "Just browsing for school. Have to make myself a reputation now, eh?" He laughed, taking down a package and examining it before placing it back on the shelf.
Elizabeth laughed

she thought that he was funny,
"Ya I guess so. I kind of want to make a reputation for myself you know. My sister got a reputation at Hogwarts for pranks and jokes and I want to show her up. You know what I mean?" she looks down and finally grabs a bottle of Love Postion.
"You know you should try some of this love postion on someone. I've seen it. It's pretty funny. You can get bloody anyone to fall in love with you." she laughs again. She looks to her right and sees the Extendable Ears, grins and points toward them,
"Those are good too." Tony smiled. "Really? What was her name? My older brother might've heard of her. And yeah, I know what you mean." He looked down with her and saw they were still standing in front of the love potions. Gulp. "You've actually seen it work? Well I've heard of what it can do, I sure hope no one tries to slip that into my morning apple juice." He laughed, glancing at the ears with strings. "I tried using one of those once. They're really useful, but they hurt my ears whenever I use them. That little string just... ick." He hated the feeling of the string in his ear, and tried using his real ones whenever he could. "Her name is Charlotte but everyone calls her Charlie she's a year 4 Slytherin." it was her fault for bringing her sister up but she never really liked talking about her. She was a "sweet" girl mostly mean but not to Elizabeth...sometimes. Its just everyone always compares them to each other and everyone always tell Elizabeth that she should be more like Charlie. she stoped thinking about it and laughed,
"Dont worry I wont try anything like this on you." talking about the love postion,
"and ya I have see it work. My sister used it on my bestfriend Quill it took forever for it to ware off that stuff is very powerfull." Just remembering what happened made her laugh.
"and i use the Extendable Ears all the time they never bugged me" Tony nodded. "Yeah, I'll have to ask my brother if he knows her or not. Charlie is a pretty common name though..." He added this last part as a thought to himself. Yes, Charlie is a pretty common name. "Oh, good." Phew. "I feel sorry for the poor student you do use that on." He laughed. "Are you serious? Poor Quill..." He didn't know who this "Quill" was, but he sure felt sorry for him. "Really? The strings just seem to not like my ears or something."
He grinned, picking up another box and looking at it closely. "Puking Pastules? Eww. I never liked these as a kid, my brother used to give them to me all the time. I will not make any other kid go through that torture." He laughed, putting the box back on the shelf. He quickly walked over to an area and got a basket, then walked back over to Elizabeth. He wanted to stock up for the term ahead.
"Ya tell your brother it's Charlie Dragonheart. Dragonheart isn't very common." She laughs. It really wasn't a common name. The only people that really it were the people that knew her family's horrible past.
"I plan on using it on a hopeless Slytherin. Probably a year two or three. But ya Quill was bloody mad after that. Still to this day he won't let Charlie foget it" She laughs again but she still feels a little bad. She would never tell Tony that it was partly her fault.
Elizabeth looks down at the Extendable ear she has in her hands and says,
"Ya I use these all the time to spy on my mum and dad." She looks at the box that Tony put back on the shelf then back at Tony,
"You know out of every joke and tricks i've see over the years i don't think i've ever seen this one." Pointing at the Puking Pastules.
Tony smiled. "Alright, I'll be sure to." He laughed. "Aww, that poor Snake! I have a feeling that whole year won't like you very much. I hear Slytherin's aren't very forgiving." At least that's what his brother told him. "I feel sorry for Quill! I'd be mad too." He laughed again. "You spy on your parents too? Unfortunately in my case, my parents rarely if ever talk about anything cool." His eyes widened. "Really? You've never heard of puking pastules? But... both your parents are wizards, right? Even some of my muggleborn friends have heard of these." He shrugged, picking up a thing of... something. That exploded. He carefully put it back on the shelf, then looked down at his empty basket. He needed to get something.
Elizabeth laughs at the fact that Tony called the Slytherins snakes
"That wont happen. Most of them already love me. Charlie's a Slytherin so they are always at our house during the summer. They told me that they can't wait to get me as a Slytherin like them. My whole family, my mum and dad, my grandparents even my great grandparents have all been snakes. I can't wait to be one. And they are very other Slytherins." she smiles.
"Puking pastules....I've most likey heard of them but I just don't remember and yes I do spy on my mum and dad." she laughs again
"Some things they say are very...interesting and other...I don't think I was suppose to hear." Those things she wasn't suppose to hear scared her.
Then she thought of the word Tony used "muggle-born"...her family had a diffrent kind of name for those kinds of wizards but she knew she shouldn't say it.
"Yes my mum and dad are both wizards but......not the good kind." Elizabeth sadly admits.
Elizabeth looks down at her watch and realized that it was already noon and she had so much to do. So she looked back up at Tony and says,
"I'm so sorry Tony but i have to go it was nice meeting you and i hope i see you at Hogwarts. Bye." she give a small smile, grabs 3 bottles of love potion and walks up to the counter. She couldn't wait to put a spell on some snakes and make them fall in love with her

OOC: I defently can't take all of the credit for this. I have to thank Gryffindorgurl for the part of Tony. This is a conversation that i had with her at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. So thank you Gryffindorgurl