Originally Posted by
PercySonOfPoseidon "Oh" Tyler said, this whole conversation wasn't going to get any better. He hated it. Why couldn't Nessie be her old self again and he could be his and everybody could be happy? No. Things never work out like that, it always had to be complicated, especially with girls involved.
"Okay" he said as Nessie chose one of the brooms, he wasn't going to argue, that wouldn't have been his best choice but he just shrugged and followed. In stead of taking the front he jumped on behind Nessie, the whole controlling the broom idea didn't sound so great to him now, especially not with the modd he'd been put in.
Wait didn't he want to be the
controller so why was Tyler sitting at the back.
"Why you sitting there?" she asked confused. She really didn't care who controled the broom as long as they actually went on she was happy. She got off so he could sit in the front.
"There you can go sit." she said gesturing to the front of the broom.
This was getting rather stupid. They could have been on the ride right now enjoying themselves, but they were just arguing and being stupid instead. She folded her arms again as she waited for Tyler to make his move.