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Old 08-27-2011, 07:46 PM   #210 (permalink)
Some Mystical Girl
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Becca. x Lauccatastic! (: Love You Girlies. <3

Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru View Post
Vashti wasn't sure why Dani was giggling - she didn't think she'd said anything all that funny. Unless she thought her name was funny? Eh, oh well. Vashti just smiled before continuing with the rest of the conversation.

Ohh, wow, yeah. Sounded like a pretty good summer for Dani - even better than Vashti's. "Yeah, sounds like your summer has been pretty great," she said with a grin. "So why did you transfer from Beauxbatons to Hogwarts?" She was curious. Kristina and Derek had always said Beauxbatons was a really great school. It couldn't possibly compare to Hogwarts though. She nodded in agreement to the NEWT thing, but couldn't smiling just a little when Dani admitted she'd failed her Astronomy OWL. Thank Merlin Vashti wasn't the only one to fail it. "Eh, it's not big deal. You probably won't need Astronomy later in life anyway." Unless she wanted to be an astronaut or something. "And I did pretty okay on most of mine."
"Oh, well- long story but I'll cut it short. My Uncle adopted me and my twin brother and so... he thought that Hogwarts would be good for me. I was becoming a little... big headed at Beauxbatons, I was in the... popular group in my year and... I just wasn't myself for a while" Dani admitted, blushing a little, she still loved her friends dearly but she knew that being away from Beauxbatons had changed her, in a positive way. "And I had home problems before so that didn't help. But anyway! It was a really good school, I miss it and I miss my friends" she said a little sadly. Chin up, eh. She smiled widely and laughed- "Me? An astronaut...? I don't think that would work out" she smirked.

"Oh that's awesome. Well done!" she said softly as she nodded and sighed happily- "This place is awesome, huh? I haven't been to anything like this in ages" she said softly as her eyes were caught by some really pretty bracelets nearby and she pointed them out to Vashti too.
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