Thread: F&Bs Back Room
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Old 08-27-2011, 12:32 AM   #36 (permalink)

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
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Originally Posted by Wood'sLittleFlower View Post
The man poked around, continuing to stack the books on top of one another, just as long as they were the same genre and all of course. It was the simple things that seemed to preoccupy him the most. Wesley shrugged, uncertain of what to say really except for, "Thank you."

OH. Right, he hadn't told Brett about Bruce just yet, had he? "He's my new puppy. I got him just before i left, just before.." his aunt went into the hospital.

"No? Same amount of students as usual, i suppose then?" Oh.. wow. How, kind. "You're awfully kind. And thank you. You know, i'd watch over things if you had an emergency." Just throwing it out there.
A puppy? "Really? A dog? Which breed is he?" He asked curiously. He didn't mind dogs. He didn't for cats though. "Is he at your place?"

Brett hesitated before speaking again. "A bit more than the usual, but it wasn't completely overwhelming. Just enough to keep things interesting." He didn't say anything about the younger girls who appeared taken by him, though the entire situation was a bit amusing.

"Yeah, I know." He replied with a nod as he slipped his hands in his pockets. Oh. His fingers touched a rough material and he withdrew it from the pocket. "I nearly forgot about this..."

He held his hand out. "This is for you. A customer dropped it off; said that she had spoken to you previously. It's supposedly a magic pouch that holds an infinite number of things."
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