SPOILER!!: Comments
Originally Posted by
What?! What do you mean he never asked again?!
Awww, they have to get married.

Nymphadora seems so cute!! I hope they do ok raising her!
So that was awesome, Em. I can't wait for more.
Thanks, Seneca!
Originally Posted by
Ahaha, I can't believe Fred and James forgot her! 
I thought it'd be a nice touch. 
And she's a little Metamorphagus!

I must say, this is my favourite part:
Hehe, thanks
Have you killed him? Have you?
Please don't!
Why must you assume the worst? 
I love the post, though, Ems!
Thanks, Abi!
Originally Posted by
OH NO!!!
I know I killed Teddy but I brought him back! Come on! Why doesn't he ask again?

You'll have to read and find out
Does she ask him on February 29th? (trying to be optimistic!)
Where does February 29th come from?
Nymphadora is adorable and I love Fred and James!
Thanks, Katie

I figured James and Fred would be miniature George/Fred's / James/Sirius's
Originally Posted by
hahah lol
youve done it again emm

and if teddy doesnt propose soon
he'll hav a little talk with my frend mr.lefty and mr.righty!!

and mr.snakey!!!

Thanks, Nessie
Okay, so I'm in a posting mood and I felt slightly bad for leaving it off where I did. But only slightly.
Teddy never did ask me to marry him again. Because I beat him to the punch.
It was the first day that Nymphadora was allowed to come home from the hospital, and there was a huge ‘Welcome to the World’ party at Grandmum and Grandpa’s house.
Teddy and I arrived in the kitchen with very loud greetings of ‘Welcome Home’ and other such nonsense. It wasn’t like we left the country.
Tiny wails erupted after everyone had quieted down a bit and I glared at everybody in the room. Nymphadora had been asleep. And she is
grumpy if she’s woken up before she wants to be. Teddy said she must have gotten it from me because he was evidently a very good baby. I told him that Uncle Harry lied to him, because I was an angel. My mum agrees with Teddy.
I saw my Dad trying to stop his guffaws from being heard and smiled wickedly as I took the fussy little girl from Teddy and started shushing her.
“Since you find it unbearably funny, you can calm her down,” I told my Dad with a smirk. He narrowed his eyes at me, but took the challenge with a little coo to his granddaughter. I smiled at the scene, and all at once hoards of Weasleys and Potters were surrounding my Dad and daughter. I took Teddy by the hand and gave a little nod to James and Fred. They grinned mischievously as Teddy and I disappeared into the backyard, my cousins following after me.
“You guys aren’t jumping me, are you?” Teddy asked suspiciously.
“Nope, but I do challenge your girlfriend to a little race, I guess you could say,” James smirked.
“The person that gets the highest in fifteen seconds, wins,” Fred said and I had to bite my lip to stop the large grin that threatened to spread across my face.
“Teddy, why don’t you join in on the little game, too? Unless you’re scared of course,” James said with a wicked grin.
“Of you? In your dreams, little boy,” Teddy laughed. Ten minutes later, Fred was placing charms on our brooms to freeze them in midair after our time was up, and then when Teddy wasn’t looking, he put up a force field in case anyone fell. This is where I should wink at you. You’ll understand in a minute.
I bit my lip to stop the nerves raging through my body. He wouldn’t say no, would he?
“And Go!” Fred shouted and we all took flight. When I decided I was high enough, I started making my broom jerk and wobble. It was going in zigzags across the sky and doing little short stops. I noticed Teddy glancing back at me, and decided it was time to test my acting skills. I screamed. And somehow lost my broom.
Teddy was shouting at me, and before I knew it, I was in his arms.
“What the hell was that?” he yelled at me.
“I-I don’t know,” I lied. Teddy narrowed his eyes at me as he helped me sit on the broom, facing him.
“You’re a professional Quidditch star, Abi, what happened?” he prompted. When I said nothing, he sighed.
“You scared me,” he whispered.
“Don’t worry, Theodore, the next time I fancy a fly, I’ll let you know, and you can take me up. It’ll be good practice for when we’re married,” I whispered and his eyes grew large at the realization that this was all one fantastic set up. He looked down and noticed that James was back on the ground with Fred and the rest of our family.
“Just say yes,” I whispered as I leaned my forehead against his.
“I thought the guy was supposed to ask the girl?” he laughed.
“When have I ever gone by the rules, Mr. Abigail Weasley?” I grinned.
“Never,” he chuckled.
“Yes, Mrs. Theodore Lupin,” he said not a moment later and I crashed my lips to his while giving James and Fred the signal at the same time.
Before Teddy knew what hit him, confetti was raining down on us, explosions sounded all around us, and our family was cheering loudly. I hope Nymphadora wasn’t asleep again.
What do you think?