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Old 08-26-2011, 03:00 AM
masterofmystery masterofmystery is offline
Post Full Bonnie Wright Haute Muse magazine interview on Harry Potter, future projects

Bonnie Wright's full interview in Haute Muse magazine, where she discussed her work in the Harry Potter series as part of her promotion of Deathly Hallows: Part 2, getting ready to shoot The Philosophers (which completed filming nearly two weeks ago), and her future as an actor and filmmaker. Bonnie also relayed how much fashion impacted her life, how much she loves participating in photo shoots and the rare occasion she hit the catwalk earlier this year at London Fashion Week.

The Ginny Weasley actress revealed that her directorial debut, Separate We Come, Separate We Go, as part of her film school studies, will begin production at East Sussex, UK in November 2011. A couple of new photos from Bonnie's shoot, as well as scans of the interview, courtesy of Tuna, can be found in our galleries.

Photos!: Large Haute Muse magazine scans

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