Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God Oh Amy nodded, a little bit disspointed that he wasn't from like the "upper east side" and slept in an apartment over Central Park, but she didn't even know where Malone was. Was that bad? Ah. Well that could be a little awkward. Uhuh. So she wouldn't let him know...hopefully.
She ran a hand through her thick hair, getting stuck slightly and pulling her hand out as she thought, I think it was the sheer difference of the place, she said after a few seconds thought, then realised that didn't make sense, well, I mean like, its such a busy place and you find yourself being pushed and everything, but then you go to somewhere like Central Park and its so calm and serene.....and I like the zoo she added as an afterthought. Plus, Times Square is huge, but its so different from Harlem, and I just love the fact that you could walk from one end to the other all on one street. She nodded, thinking back to that holiday slightly dreamily, there's no where else quite like New York she said with a dreamy smile, before snapping back, but its terrifying to be in, it's so loud..and busy Amy nodded seriously. Oh definatley Amy nodded, go to the royal parks, they're really pretty |