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Old 08-25-2011, 05:36 PM   #344 (permalink)
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 18

Originally Posted by NeverShoutLexi View Post
she laughed and sat down. "My love? Really? Was the Britich accent really nessesary?" She said with a big smirk on her face. She could not believe dhes going on this ride. wow hes really cute she thought. wait why was she even thinking that. She shouldnt be thinkingg that. they just met. Hes also like 3 years older than her. Shes turning twelve in a week. They were just friends... just friends. she took a deep breath. " Im almost twelve not four i know the stars arent playing hide n seek silly. " she said smiling at him. the ride started going up.
The ride finally got over. Oh he saw the amazement in Quinn's eyes the whole time. He started to really like her even though they met only about an hour ago. He leaded her off the ride. He smiled at he. " A British accent is always necessary my dear." He said in a British accent once again and laughed. They walked a couple of steps away from the ride and looked around. " Im fourteen and i still believe the stars play there own little games." he said smiling down at her.
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