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Old 08-25-2011, 04:44 AM   #35 (permalink)

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★ wannabe historian ★ Baekry

Originally Posted by Nimmiii View Post
FINALLY!! Why do you always have to update at night?!
Anywho, I LOVED it! Poor Lucy, always yelling at people--it's all Nathan's fault!


And I love Rosy, she's so sweet!
I cannot wait for the next chapter, Lulu! Please hurry!
Is a day fast enough for you?
Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
I love this! Rather amusing, Stephen dancing with his girlfriends aunt.
Feeling a bit sorry for Luce now, awkward organising a party when Lexi and Kat are eating all of the food.

More soon?
I forgot what inspired the dancing part, but it HAD to be included.
Originally Posted by itsgisselx3 View Post
First of all, I forgot you changed your UN
I was like "Who's Native Kiddy, why does it sound familiar, and why are they writing Lulu's FF?!?!!" lmao MY BAD!!!
And to your reply from before: NO lol I caught up xD
On to the chapter

"You know some muggles hide in cakes, right?" lol! I'm hoping she's not one of those (;

Aww I'd let Kat serve for meee! *nods*

I likeded it!!!
I'll be waiting for the next chapteeer!

Chapter 8: Misfits Stick Together
First time you get to see Stephen's mama and dada lol.

“Is that all she said to you?” Lexi asked Stephen as they walked the streets of Diagon Alley together. And what a mistake it was. Hogwarts students were already running all over the place in anticipation for their next year at Hogwarts.

Stephen just nodded to Lexi’s question, not much in the mood to talk at the moment. The pair squeezed between students who just wouldn’t move out the way unless one of them suggested somewhere else to go. “It’s my fault anyway,”

“How can it possibly be your fault?”

“Lex, look at me. I’ve been spending all this time trying to find my parents and not paying attention to much else. I don’t go to school, I don’t have a job, I’m mooching of the Ways right now because I don’t have money to stay somewhere else. Who in their right mind would date me?”
Stephen said, frustrated. He wasn’t really doing much productive things at the moment and Stephen felt like it was his faults the bad things began to happen.

“Hey guys! I got some Peruvian Instant Darkness powder,” Kat said, running behind Lexi and Stephen, not caring if any students fell to the floor or if she stepped on them. “I think it’ll come in handy some time,”

“Kat, can you please tell Stephen that it’s not his fault Aimee has been distancing herself from him,”
Lexi spoke, looking through the window of the robe store. Stephen was leaning on the store wall, trying to ignore this conversation before he began losing his temper.

“Stephen, it’s all your fault Aimee doesn’t want to be your girlfriend anymore,” Kat smiled. Stephen just looked at her then to Lexi and walked away. “Did I say something wrong?” he heard Kat’s voice ask. Not really paying attention where he was walking towards, Stephen yet again bumped into someone.

“I guess muggle-borns have no sense of direction,” he said, with a small chuckle.

“Why are you so annoying?! Go away! NO ONE LIKES YOU!” Stephen yelled at Peter Davies and shoved passed him. But it didn’t take Peter long to spit an insult at Stephen.

“Flithy blooded wizard!” Peter said loud enough for the students to stop what they were doing and stare. A red flash flew in the air and pushed Peter onto the floor. The crowd cleared the streets and either hid in the shops, the small alley ways and pressed against the walls of the shops. Lexi and Kat ran towards the front of the crowd to see Stephen holding his wand in his left hand.

“My patience is running low with you. Leave me alone. I’ve never done anything to you, nor have I ever said anything insulting for you to come after me,” Stephen huffed. Seriously. He had never met a more annoying person who would insult him everything they saw each other.

“Stupefy!” Peter yelled towards Stephen, only to have him block it. “Wizards like yourself shouldn’t be allowed to walk among purebloods! You filthy mudblood!” Peter now shoot Stephen’s wand out of his hand.

“Give me a wand!” Stephen called out to Lexi and Kat. Kat quickly tossed him one she had managed to pull out of her bag. Catching it, he waved it, only to have flowers pop out from its tip. “THIS ISN’T A REAL ONE!”

“Sorry!” Kat stepped back as Lexi threw Stephen her wand. “Don’t worry, Stephen! I’ll help you fight the mean guy!” she yelled, running towards Peter and jumping on his back. “Now leave Stephen alone! He’s a nice boy!” she yelled, covering Peter’s eyes and pulling on his ears. But Peter managed to get Kat off him and threw her onto the floor; making her get a cut on her arm. The two rivals went at it again, throwing spells everywhere and breaking a few shop windows and signs in the progress. Stephen casted another spell at Peter, right before he felt someone harshly grab him arm.

“Alright, you three are coming with us!” they said. All three of them looked up to see three officers staring at them sternly. They yanked the trio away from each other and made them kneel on the floor. Stephen felt the cold handcuffs being placed on his wrists and tightened when the cop closed them as he was being dragged to his feet. He caught a glance of a certain blonde headed girl who had a disappointed look on her face. Sighing and slightly rolling his eyes, he let the cops lead him towards the police station he had never noticed in Diagon Alley before.

“Does this mean I’m going to eat jail food!?” Kat cried, being pushed in along with the other two. “Wait. This means I get to go on the Wall of Shame. I GET TO BE FAMOUS LIKE MY UNCLE TYLER AND AUNT TAYLOR!” she cheered, earning a deathly glare from Stephen. About thirty minutes had passed before they were let out to have their picture taken.

“Okay, you first girlie,” the officer with the slightly gray hair motioned Kat to step forward. Another officer with dark hair walked in, carrying three folders in his hands. The old officer took one from him and began to read Kat’s file out loud:

Name: Katlyn Elizabeth Way
Age: 17
Birthday: November 7th
Height: 5’ 5”
Heritage: ¾ Mexican, ¼ Spanish, Pureblood
Wand: Redwood, Unicorn core, 10 inches, quite bendy
Attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sorted into Gryffindor house, graduated in 2076.
Dark brown hair, brown eyes and tanned.
Father is Daniel Way.
Mother is Katalina Gonzalez.
Current Residence: New York City, New York
He finished off, preparing a camera. Kat stepped in front of it, grinning like she had just won a grand prize and holding a name plate. Stephen couldn’t help but chuckle lowly at the way Kat was smiling. After she was done, it was now his turn. “You’re up, pretty boy,” the old officer called out, pulling Stephen forward and reading his profile:

Name: Stephen Roger Fanelli
Age: 18
Birthday: January 4th
Height: 5’ 10”
Heritage: Italian, Muggle-born
Wand: Dragon Heartstring, Birch wood, 11 ¾ inches long, bendy.
Attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sorted in Ravenclaw house, graduated in 2076.
Black hair, green eyes, occasionally wears glasses, light skinned.
Mother and father are unknown.
Adoptive Mother: Adriana Fanelli
Adoptive Father: Giovanni Fanelli
Current Residence: Terni, Italy
Pushing Stephen to take his picture, he made bored faces to show his “excitement” while holding a name plate. Being escorted back to the cell when it was over, Stephen hadn’t seen a sign of Peter.

“Do you reckon they actually let him go?” Kat asked, twirling around. Stephen just shrugged, hoping that twit really didn’t get off the hook that easily. But before they knew it, Peter walked into the cell, grabbed his jacket and walked back out.

“Having connections is a glorious thing, isn’t it mudblood?” Peter smirked and chuckled evilly from the other side of the bars.

“I swear if you call me that again, I won’t hold back,” Stephen hissed, clutching his fists around the steel bars. Peter just raised his eyebrows and made his merry way out onto the streets.

“Alright you two, you each have one phone call and it better be to your parents,” the old officer said, opening the cell door. But weren’t they both of age by now? And why did it have to be to their parents? Stephen stepped out, cursing under his breath for not remembering the Ways’ number. Quickly dialing home, he prayed his mother wasn’t there to pick up.

About three rings later, someone picked up and said, “Hello?” Oh thank Merlin it was his dad.

“Dad, I-I need you to come get me,” Stephen stuttered, already worried about what was going to happen if he ever got home.

“Stephen? What happened? Are you okay? Where are you?” his dad asked, the worry being noticeable in his tone.

“I’m at the police station at Diagon Alley. I just need you to come, and quickly. Kat is starting to scare me,” he said, looking back to see his friend still twirling in the cell.

“I’ll be there soon,” his dad sighed and hung up. Stephen knew he was disappointed in him and he was most likely grounded for the rest of his life. Kat walked passed him as she went over to call her dad. From the cell, Stephen could hear her dad frantically screaming and yelling until she hung up. Not even five minutes back in the cell, Kat began to sing.

“I’m a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout,” Kat sang and did the gestures to the song. Stephen, on the other hand, was chipping paint off the already chipped wall to keep himself distracted while they waited for their parents to arrive.

“I’m Daniel Way, I’m here to get Katlyn Way,” Immediately, Kat stopped her dancing and singing and tried to hide behind Stephen. Stephen looked over to see Daniel holding her wand in his hand and a cup of coffee in the other. As soon as he nudged his head for them to leave, Kat ran out the cell and disappeared from sight. Now Stephen just had to wait for his dad to quickly show up.

Stephen then noticed a mop of brown hair walk to the front desk. “I’m Giovanni Fanelli, I’m here for Stephen Fanelli,” Stephen gulped. He really had no idea what his dad had in store for him. But as the old officer opened the cell door, he stepped out, not wanting to look at his dad in this moment. Walking back onto the streets, Stephen squinted his eyes due to the light and tried to follow behind his dad.

“Stephen,” someone said. He turned to his left to see Aimee standing there. “We need to talk,” she added. Great, that phrase could only ever mean one thing. Sighing, he walked over to her, looking down. “We haven’t been seeing each other much lately and it’s really bothering me. And now you’re getting into fights and being arrested. Things are getting out of hand with you and I don’t know if I can be a part of it anymore,”

“So you’re breaking up with me because I have a lot of things going on right now? Besides, you can barely see each other because your dad doesn’t know about me. If he did, it’d probably be a bit easier to be together. So don’t blame all of this on me,” he retorted, not wanting to feel like everything had always been his fault.

“Don’t you think I know that? But you know how my dad feels about wizards and he wouldn’t be too pleased,” Aimee said, reaching into her pocket and taking something out. “We can’t just keep going like this but it ends here. I’m sorry, Stephen,” she placed the bracelet he had given her a few years back into his hand. Without looking at him, Aimee walked away back towards the shops of Diagon Alley. Stephen stood there, upset at himself for having another good thing leave his life just like that.

“Are you alright?” his dad asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m fine, let’s just go home,” he answered, taking a hold of his dad’s arm and apparating back home. Stephen felt weird being back home, a place he hadn’t seen in months but nothing’s really changed. “Does mom know?”

“Oh trust me, she knows,”
Adriana Fanelli walked down the stairs, glaring at her son. She now had long hair. But he guessed being a hair stylist and a witch, her hair would be many different lengths every day. “So explain yourself, Stephen. Why did you get arrested?”

“I got into a fight with someone because they called me a mudblood,” he said, stuffing his hand into his pockets and rolling his eyes. He really didn’t want to do this right now.

“What have we told you about ignoring people who call you that?”

“ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BECAUSE HE WAS THE FIRST ONE TO DO SO! Not like it really matters to you because you’re all purebloods!”
he yelled, no longer being able to contain his anger.

“Don’t raise your voice at me, Stephen Fanelli! You’re grounded! Give me your wand!” Adriana demanded, sticking her hand out. Stephen was hesitant, not really knowing if he should actually give in his wand that sudden. But he knew his mother wouldn’t move until he gave in. Slowly walking away, he tossed his wand at her and headed towards the stairs. “What has gotten into you lately?”

“You’re acting as if this is the worst thing I’ve ever done! Okay, why don’t just ignore me while I’m here? That way you can go back to that happy little family you were before I came along?” Stephen smart mouthed his mother. That’s when Adriana smacked Stephen for the first time, or ever placed her hand violently on either of her sons.

“Adriana,” Giovanni gasped, putting his hands on her shoulders and looking at Stephen. The monster had a shocked looked on his face and with his hand he reached up to touch his cheek where his mom hit him, feeling the dull sting as he made small circles in it. Without another word, Stephen made his way to his room, not needing to lock every door since his mom could easily unlock them. But once he walked past the little passage, his mood became worse now that his mother had taken away all his entertainment devices, leaving behind just books.

Then a sudden pop sound made Stephen jump. Turning around, he saw Lexi and Kat waving at him. “What are you doing here?”

“We came to get you. We both know you don’t want to stay here any longer, especially without any entertainment or magic. So pack your things. We’ll go somewhere else,” Lexi said, enchanting her bag with the Undetected Extension charm. She then quickly ran to his closet, taking extra clothes and stuffing it into her bag. She then tossed him a stick he thought he would’ve never seen for a while.

“How did you-?”

“Accio, of course. Well, Kat did it when your mom placed it down in the study,”
she added, closing the closet along with her bag.

“Come on, Stephen. We have to find a good place to stay now or else we’ll end up living under a bridge!” Kat whispered loudly and made crazy gestures around her head. Without another word, Stephen quickly wrote a note to his parents and joined the girls by their arms. Right now, he really didn’t care where they were all going, as long as they were going to the same place together. And with another pop, the misfits disappeared from the room without a trace.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;

Last edited by Star-Lord; 08-25-2011 at 05:24 AM.
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