Captain's Locker Room Ravenclaw/Gryffindor :ballcap: Spots enter's the private locker room located beneath the Quidditch stands labeled "Captains and Co-Captains Only" The room is a little nicer than the players lockers with carpeting on the floors, softer chairs and even the air seemed a bit fresher. In the corner their was a blackboard where the Captains could exchange thoughts on tactics and post questions to the Quidditch Officials. "I have provided this locker room for your use. This is for the Captains and Co-Captains only and I will look to each of you to keep all other players out of here. If this privilege is abused your team could have points deducted from your next match." "I will occasionally post questions here for each of you and you can post questions for me here as well. What I would like you to do as soon as you get them is to post your team rosters here so I will have them for the record." "Thank you for your assistance in trying to get this term's matches underway and your teams organized as quickly as possible." "As of Friday October 15th, here are the Captains and Co-Captains that I have, please send me an owl if any of this information is incorrect." Quidditch Captains/Co-Captains Slytherin C= She-Who-Is-Not-To–Be-Psycho! (Nadia) CC= Zadkhiel (Zekke) Hufflepuff C= Mrs. Weasley (Terry) CC= ~*Keni’s Girl*~ (Lauren) Gryffindor C= Amyliaz (Amyliaz) CC= all4oliverwood (Kelli) Ravenclaw C=swedishharrypotterfan (Lina) CC= voldemortsucks (Mike) |