Thread: Raffle Booth
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Old 08-23-2011, 09:50 PM   #67 (permalink)
Formerly: Miss Feenella

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Fourth Year

Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
" Do not buy all the raffle tickets" Willaim told Fee. " I want to win or have Witsy win" William said to Fee. " I have to be careful because you might glitter the raffle booth, make it look cool and win" William laughed.
Fee smiled and nodded at William.It was sooo cute how obviously in love he was with her"I wont dont worry",she giggled.Aww he was worried she would glitter it?Now that was really sweet."I'll try to keep my glitter at the low",the Slytherin laughed,"just for you and Witsy."Let William be his girlfriend's hero.Hehe.

Originally Posted by Danny Boy View Post
Daniel had heard about the carnival and wasn't about to miss it! He'd made his way over to the raffle booth as it turned out you needed tickets to use attractions. Which was lame. Raffles should be free. As he approached however he saw a familiar blonde which made him forget the tickets.

" that you?" Daniel asked
Turning around the blonde heard a familiar male voice and looked for the person to it.Just slightly to the left,there he was."Daaaaniiieeel",the girl smiled happily,"we havent met up in ages.How have you been?"The boy seemed to be unsure if she was really the one.Ohh yeahh the haircu,the slytherin almost forgot about that.

Noooow this was really cool,the carnival seemed to be the place were she met so many of her old friends whom she hadnt seen in ages.Hadnt she loves it from the beginnin the carnival would now be her hero.Hehe.
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