Originally Posted by
potterfan180 Cove smiled at Dani. "You somehow always know what I want you to say." She said. "Probably something with music. I get that way, too when I'm setting up for concerts. I even get to the point where when I'm composing, I lock myself in the music room and don't come out for hours. We put a mini fridge in there for those reasons." Cove said smiling. "Of course. Dan, Connor and this new guy can some as well. So what's his name?"
Dani listened to what Cove said and smiled- "
Yeah, that's what I think" she smirked a little before nodding at what she said next. "
Oh yeah, that would be so awesome! His name is Philip" she said softly, still somehow for some reason getting over Colton's big 'oh, I have a girlfriend, and yes, she's my fiancee' thing. That had hit her hard. Mayve it was because she really had thought of him as more of a friend all along and was worried this girl wouldn't be good enough. She soon snapped out of it and smiled at Cove- "
So... excited about going back to school?" she smirked, Dani actually... was in a way, because then it would mean it would be closer to finishing school.