For you lot :) You know who you are :) Irish eyes || Nanny McPhee
It appeared that Isobel and Damien were getting a bit of company; in the form of Isobel's best friend Maybelle, and her boyfriend. Whom Damien immediately remembered was Isobel's brother. The Hufflepuff began to wrack his brain if he could remember any details regarding Jake's age and year in school. If he were the same age or younger, that'd be better. Granted if he were older it would only be by a year. And Damien was sturdy enough -- skinny, but sturdy. He could handle anything that came his way --
Even if that meant an irate brother.
And then lovely Maybelle decided to broadcast to the entire population waiting in line for a seat on the Ferris Wheel that Damien and Isobel were, indeed, holding hands.
Thank you for that, Maybelle --
"Don't believe we've been propperly introduced yet," Damien said, attempting to cut Maybelle off and address Jake. "Damien Murray," he added, extending his free hand out in greeting. "Sixth-year Hufflepuff."
There. What threat could be detected in that?
Last edited by NannyMcPhee; 08-22-2011 at 02:39 AM.