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Emishlon Ainsley shrugged casually, "I'm cool like that." Truthfully, she was quite a dabbler in potion making. But not so much the made-up ones. Let's just say that her potions textbook was looking rather raggedy from over-use. And if they weren't dangerous, she occasionally fed them to her cat, Stanley. "I could whip you up a batch, if you want." If he was BRAVE enough, that is. Muahaha.
Ooh, a compliment. Ainsley wasn't used to those, especially ones to do with her name. "Thanks! Yours is pretty cool, too." Looks like both their parents did a good job with naming, then!
Bouncy floors, BLAH BLAH.
"Tell that to my HEAD." Maybe she had a hollow head? Whatever her head was, it was hurting. "Well, I dunno! What does concussion feel like?" From what she could remember in her life, she had never had it before. Aw.... Paulie was actually freaking out. She wasn't positive if it was because he cared or if he was worried that if he left her, she would die and it would be his fault... Eh, whatevs. Ainsley raised her eyebrows when he raised his fingers, "Errm.... two..." She said, groggily....
Uncontrollably, Ainsley giggled, still holding her head. Yeah, it hurt but she didn't think that she was going to die anytime soon.
Paulie grinned and gave a small, almost unnoticeable laugh. Cool like that. Incidentally, 'cool' was one of Paulie's favorite words. Or at least one of his most-used words. "
Yeah, you're cool." Whip up a batch? Was that a challenge? He was bad at challenges. And competing. "
Uhh.. okay, sure. Makes you dizzy, right? Anything else?" Maybe she was pulling his leg; he hoped so, because if she wasn't, then he would be forced to make a fool of himself.
He grinned, a bit proudly, he might add. "
Thanks!" Paulie Foster was indeed an excellent name. PaulIE.
Yikes! "
All right, all right...... it could have been whiplash." Did whiplash even give you concussions? Frankly, Paulie didn't know what the hell he was talking about. He was certainly no doctor, nor a healer. Or a nurse. Or anything medically-related. "
A concussion feels like... uhh.." How to describe a concussion.. Huh. He got one once, but it really didn't feel that weird. He just felt kinda sleepy. "
I think you get sleepy. Or dizzy, but you took that potion, see? And maybe a head ache sometimes? Oh, or you can't see straight.." Hence his two-finger test. Speaking of which...
She answered correctly. Phew. At least she passed that one. Wait a sec, two
hundred..? Pfffft, as if. Paulie smirked and folded his arms. "
You're such a faker."