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Old 08-21-2011, 04:15 PM   #262 (permalink)
Formerly: Kimstar18
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Liam Coleman
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Irish eyes || Nanny McPhee

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post

So...he wanted to hug her? Isobel wanted to hug him, more so now that she knew he wouldn't be all weird again. But no, she could later. Right now she tried to focus all her attention on Damien. She would much rather focus on Damien than the height they were at now. Thankfully, they were getting lower. Soon they would be on the ground, and the Ferris Wheel ride would come to a stop all too soon. She was sad about that part.

He...he what? Isobel stared blankly at him. He saw a figure? What kind of figure? "Like a ghost?" She had said the first thing that came into her head, and she didn't stop to think about whether or not that was a good thing to say. She was trying to figure out what exactly Damien was saying.

"You...saw a figure?" That didn't make any sense to her. "Have you seen a figure before? Or anytime after that?" She frowned when he said he had been scared. "Don't be afraid Damien," she said, putting slightly more pressure on his hand. "Even if you did see the figure, like you said you did-" and she believed him, because she knew him. "It can't hurt you." Well, she didn't think it did. "I'll be right beside you," she said softly.
At the time he saw this projector image, he thought it was a ghost as well. "It could have been," he replied. "It was all so blurred and abstract I wouldn't be able to say either way." Now he really did sound like he needed to be committed. Isobel wasn't going to listen to such nonsense -- but she's the only one he's ever spoken to about it.

"It's never happened before, no," he added in response to her question of if Damien had had -- what would you call it? A vision? Hallucination. That would be the better term to use. "It only happened the one time we hugged, but not anytime before or after."

He felt the squeeze of her hand and turned towards her, worry still spread over his eyes, yet a smile played at the corner of his mouth. "I just -- don't want you to think I'm -- crazy or -- or anything like that, you know?"

It was reassuring to hear how she'd stand by him, though.

Then the voice of ther Carnie rang through his ears. They'd come full circle and their turn on the Ferris Wheel was over. They were told to exit the opposite side of their entrance to the basket, so Damien kept hold of Isobel's hand as the pair walked out and away from the giant wheel that, quite literally brought them together. Damien turned over his shoulder to look at the top where they'd been only moments ago. "Hopefully someone else will have as nice a ride as we did, eh?" he said turning back to Isobel, hand still enclosed with his. He smiled before closing the small distance between them, kissing her softly on the lips for the second time that night. "I'm begining to like that more and more," he confessed in a low voice.

Damien walked with her back around to where the end of the line for the Ferris Wheel was. "I can safely guess you wouldn't want to go back up again," he chuckled. "But I would like to take you somewhere else -- if you don't mind, that is --"
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