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Oh, Merlin's trousers, Merlin's T-Shirt, Merlin's everything!
There was just so many people socializing. It was making her feel LONELY! She was lonely. Ainsley didn't know anyone here. A.n.y.o.n.e.
Her head wandered around for a bit, mainly looking through the crowds to find the nearest exit. But standing right beside her was a girl who seemed to be talking to herself. Was she a freak, too?! Eyes wide, Ainsley cleared her throat and approached her with a smile, because frankly, the girl looked just as awkward and lonely as she felt.
"Hey." She said casually, trying to sound cool and calm, "are you okay? You look about as lost as I do." Ainsley stifled a sigh and smiled instead. Yeah, making friends malarkey wasn't too difficult. Unless this girl was about to turn and swing a punch her way, or something. The thought alone made Ainsley shudder for a second.
WHAT TO DO!? Daphne felt stupid and weird as she stood all alone. She thought of searching for her brother..but no. This place was so big and it would be next to impossible to find him. So, the next best thing was..standing alone in the middle of a freakshow. Way to go, Daph!
Um. Was someone talking to her? She turned to find a girl who seemed to be about her age, who asked if she was okay. Well, she definitely was not okay! But yeah..she didn't need to know that.
"Am I THAT obvious?" Daphne asked with a wry smile.
"Yeah, well..I just feel a little silly. I have no idea what to do now.." She stopped talking about herself for a second.
"How about you? Are you alright?"