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HP_princess Freakshow!? Daphne had an incredulous look on her face. She really didn't want to enter a tent full of freaks. That's just..creepy. "Hey, do you want to..." Um. Where was Devon? She turned around and looked for her brother but he seemed to have disappeared. Like, usual. She made a mistake of bringing him along with her. She sighed and shook her head.
Daphne didn't want to look like a wimp so she slowly made her way towards the tent. She entered the huge tent and saw that there were five stages with people on them. She walked towards the nearest stage and read the plaque in the front. Lady Bigfoot? She looked at the lady who seemed to have a gigantic foot. Obviously. Hence, the name. Daph took a few steps back and stopped. They were people! Just because they had some..problems, they were treated like freaks? That's just..not good. She stood where she was, feeling slightly awkward.
Oh, Merlin's trousers, Merlin's T-Shirt, Merlin's everything!
There was just so many people socializing. It was making her feel LONELY! She was lonely. Ainsley didn't know anyone here. A.n.y.o.n.e.
Her head wandered around for a bit, mainly looking through the crowds to find the nearest exit. But standing right beside her was a girl who seemed to be talking to herself. Was she a freak, too?! Eyes wide, Ainsley cleared her throat and approached her with a smile, because frankly, the girl looked just as awkward and lonely as she felt.
Hey." She said casually, trying to sound cool and calm, "
are you okay? You look about as lost as I do." Ainsley stifled a sigh and smiled instead. Yeah, making friends malarkey wasn't too difficult. Unless this girl was about to turn and swing a punch her way, or something. The thought alone made Ainsley shudder for a second.