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hjhm Conan... Conan... Jonathan thinks he has heard of him but he's not quite sure if he does. Hufflepuff. Conan... Hmmm... Does ring-a-bell but he can't figure out who he is. Curse Jonathan and his lack of ability to remember people's names. He should definitely get that out of his system. It's really embarrassing that he can't remember of names of people he sometimes know. Merlin help him. "That's really nice. New York and then Florida" Jonathan grinned. He has been to New York with his uncle Arthur but never to Florida.
Kurumi blushing was always something Jonathan really found interesting. She's too shy to just accept any compliment. She should definitely have more self-confidence. She's smart, pretty, and really nice. Come on, Kurumi. She's too humble.
Jonathan stunned ONE dummy. Only one. Merlin knows how many of those are still waiting to attack them in there. Jonathan guarded Kurumi by going in front. Steady now. Who knows how many dummies will attack them at ones. It's best to be prepared. Jonathan's head is moving left to right in and was walking in a very cautious way. This is better than their DADA classes last term. Lord Borr should have done this at Hogwarts.
Kurumi continued to walk beside Jonathan as they made their way further into the maze. "
Do you think we should tie something to the hedges to mark where we have been before?" she asked as she tapped her wand against her bottom lip. Wait, not tie...she had a better idea. "
Pingo WHITE," she commanded. A small glob of white paint splattered on the bush in front of them. A few stray sprinkles of it went in various directions, and hopefully none of them landed on Jonathan. "
There, now we will know if we are going around in circles."
She turned around and looked at Jonathan with a confident smile on her face. Just then, there was a rustle and a dummy appeared out of no where and began to swing its way down towards Jonathan. "
Watch out!" she chirped, slightly pushing him to the side and pointing her wand at it. "
With that, the dummy froze in midair and remained there for a few moments, floating on the air itself. When she lowered her wand, it too went crashing to the ground with a soft thud.