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"No mayonnaise? That's alright I guess. Personally I like salad cream on my pizza, but that is just a preference. Why what do they put on their pizza?" She paused for a moment. Were they really discussing pizza when she had a whole month of times in New York? "Wait, wait, wait. You spend a whole month in New York and all you have to tell me when you get back is that the pizza has no mayonnaise? Come on, you had to have had some other fun things happen."
Then a thought struck her like lightening and she grinned from ear to ear, "For instance... did you meet any boys out there?"
Crunch! The chocolate was just too good."
That, and the taxi cabs don't have doors that open up automatically," she teased sticking her tongue out. "
Japanese pizza is just so much more elaborate than regular pizza. Corn, tuna fish, mayonnaise...there are always so many flavors competing with one another. Vickers took me to a pizza parlor in New York where I had a simple mushroom and cheese pizza. It was fantastic!"
Kurumi tugged on her hair for a moment. Her and Vickers had become pen pals since the end of the program, but she did miss all the group work and projects they had been on while in New York.
And then there had been Conan, whose family had been far too generous to her. It really had been a magical week - and not just because she had spent it at Disney World.