Thread: Adventure: A Broken Wing - Sa13+
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Old 08-19-2011, 06:21 PM   #34 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Enya Mayberry
Fourth Year
Default So sorry it short AGAIN! *hides*
Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee.

SPOILER!!: Replies
Originally Posted by ashfig View Post
ooh I am first! HOORAY!! I really liked Phineas arguing with the other portraits. Oh, and I'm not sure if you meant it or not, but Dumbledore says "I trust Severus with ME life" I laughed cuz I read it with an Irish accent... PAMS!
Haha congratulations on being the first to post. I should get you a certificate

Whoops, i did correct the mistake, seemed normal with my English accent XD but i do love to make my readers laugh.

Originally Posted by Stethoscope12 View Post
LOVE IT!!!!! write more now please!!

I love the even in death Dumbledore still has 'power' over the other portraits!!

If i was Phineaus, I'd point out that he did trust him with his life...and it killed him!! lol
Haii Alyssa, your wish has been granted. A new chapter right here! *points down*

Ah Dumbledore will always be the top man, and yeah but he chose his own death remember. Snape didn't want to kill him.

Originally Posted by sarahb View Post
Aww great chapter. I like the arguement with Phineas. It was funny. I love how Dumbledore says "I trust Snape with me life." And Snape killed him.

Haii Sarah i'm glad i made you laugh and thank you for reading. I hope to get you interested in the rest of the story.

Haha everyone's bringing that up...everyone makes mistakes right? thank again!

Originally Posted by Hera View Post
ROFL!! ohh that was brilliant! haha, I've always wondered what the portraits do when nobody's there. So now I know. They bicker

Can't wait to see what happens next!!!

Emily, Emily, Emily. Welcome..*uses creepy voice*

Haiiii! *bounces* I'm glad i filled your thoughts to an extent, the portraits. Gotta love them XDD

New chapter! *points down*

Originally Posted by bonnieginnyfan1 View Post
Good chappie Eviee, even though it was short, it kept me in the story really well! <3

Can't wait for more!

Stef thank you for dropping by, i know your having a busy RL. How is all that? school and everything.

Thank you for the comment i look forward to it, and i promise the chapters are getting longer.

Originally Posted by crookshanks_kitty View Post
Evieee! :tackle: I'm here! *pitches tent* I love your story so far! As I said before, I love your writing style and I always enjoy reading whatever you share with us.
Ava << I got it right! this is the point where you correct me XD

Thank you for reading, *eyes tent* Would you like some decorations for that tent?

Aww thank you, i could always say the same for you. I could mistake you for an autor already your that good. I'm not joking.

Originally Posted by LillyJames View Post
I am pitching a tent next to crookshanks to wait for the epic chapters to come!

Though i don't normally like Snape, I like him in this one.

Keep up the great work for you officially have a new reader!


Haii Abby

Do you always want some decorations? I have plenty over here

Yeah i'm the same Snape hasn't been a big fan of mine but the idea for this story came to mind and i HAD to write it

And YAY for the new reader!!

Tea and Cake all round!

Dedicated to my three close friends; Laila, Maura and Stef

Created; Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop

"My Lord," Amycas whispered lending his head. He was alone in the room save for Lord Voldemort himself and those who lingered. Amycas waiting and staring at the old stone floor below him. A crack entered his view, it was deep and black. It ran the length of his line of sight, away from its center damage as if it wanted to get away fast.

He heard footsteps above him and a pair of feet came into view. The man wore no shoes, his white feet was covered with scratches and dirt marks but Amycas knew he didn't care, he couldn't feel.

"Amycas..." The Dark Lord said, his scratchy voice filled the large room and bounced off the stone walls around them. Amycas Carrow lifted his head and extended his arm. Taking the hem of his master's black robe he brought it to his mouth to kiss. He tasted dirty and grime and made a face to show his disgust glad that no one could see his face, "..Rise, what news do you bring?" Voldemort continued as if nothing had happened.

Amycas raised from the floor, his knee clicking in the process. He ignored the searing pain that went shooting up his leg and into his back and quickly glanced left and right. There were rubbles everywhere small and big and what looked like half the ceiling no longer where it should be. A heavy breeze blew through the gap into the ceiling above and blew through his growing hair and robes. He forced back a shiver and looked forward once more.

"He has been told My Lord, he didn't look best pleased."

"That was expected but you will do the plan..." Amycas interrupted whispering, "Yes My Lord."

"...where is your sister?" He gulped, he didn't like to be in the gaze of Lord Voldemort. No one did.

"S-she's at Hogwarts My Lord, she had to check a few things.." He paused.

"Check a few things? what would that be?" Amycas opened and closed his mouth, he had nothing to say. Sweat began to form on his palms, he gulped once more under the beady gaze of the Dark Lord.

"My Lord," A high pitched voice rang out with glee, he turned his head slightly to see Bellatrix bouncing into view, a smile plastered on her face. ",We have her, she tried to hide in the hollow of a tree.." She continued laughing gleefully.

"Excellent, where is she?" Lord Voldemort replied slowly showing one of his rare smiles, he moved away from the man, slightly shaking before him, and headed towards his favorite. Amycas began to breathe the air that he held. He followed the Dark Lord's figure and watched as he approached a happy Bella who had found a perch on a the top of a rubble of stone. He took the time to look around and truly see his surroundings.

Pillars lines each side of the room in lines of four, tilting his head he noticed they touched floor to ceiling holding the old structure in place. Some were badly damaged and he wondered how they stayed in place, other had simply holds of missing rock that meant nothing. His gaze moved onto search for more obvious signs. His eyes caught something glimmering on the floor, a hole in the stone with metal covering the sides as if it was suppose to hold something. Some sort of post for a bench, at this thought his eyes flickered to the front where the front would be. Also badly damaged. They were in a church, a church that put up a fight but now empty. It didn't look like any normal church it looked like one that was once big but now gone. Long forgotten many many years before.

"..she's in the rooms below," Whatever Bella had been saying before he hadn't caught nor cared. Gulping he piped up;

"My Lord...the school...discipline.." He chocked out, Voldemort stared at him once more.

"Yes, yes go. I expect updates Amycas," He turned away once more and breathed again glad to be out of the spotlight. Amycas turned on his heels and disappeared...
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.

Last edited by Ladybug; 09-12-2011 at 06:02 PM.
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