In the corridor outside of the Charms Office there is a small alcove where you'll find a drop box made of Impossibly marvellously and magically marbled metals. A slit in the front of the box is wide enough to drop a note or a letter through, but not wide enough to get a hand in, though it seems there is no other opening on the smooth metal.
This is where you can sign up for classes, drop any note you have for the professor and ask any questions you might have. Professor Schirmer encourages her students to make use of the mailbox rather than visiting her in her office. If you want an appointment to see her, and it is not urgent you should make use of the mailbox.Please don't chat too much in this thread. Professor Schirmer would prefer it if you didn't loiter around the mailbox, or examine it too closely. She'd hate for you to get your hand stuck in it.
Please have your character leave notes or questions here, unless it is urgent or you have permission ooc to post in the office. You will receive a response via PM to any questions your character has.As of term 30 you MAY post at the office to knock, but please be aware that if it isn't important or if the professor is busy, she may turn you away!