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MissFeenella Fee stood there with her pumpkin juice and the cupcake in her hand as someone almost bumped into her.Thanks glitter her cup wasnt that full anymore,otherwhise she would have juice spilled all over her shirt now.Phewwww.Smiling at the girl in front of her she nodded."Yees i am fine",the girl said,"are you fine too?This carnival is so distracting you dont even watch where you are going."Happened to her all the time.Bumping into people should be a sport.The Slytherin would be sooo good at it."I am Feenella by the way",the blonde smiled and took a bite of her cupcake.
"Yeah I am. I'm so sorry." Cove said. "It really is distracting. I guess that's kind of the point of it. Have you ever been to a carnival before?" Then again the board walk carnival was year round. "Cove Brett. Nice to meet you Feenella." Cove said smiling at the girl. "Do you go to Hogwarts?"