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Old 08-18-2011, 11:46 PM   #178 (permalink)
Formerly: Miss Feenella

X-treme Horcrux Slayer!
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lany MCKenna
Fourth Year

Originally Posted by xMagicalMuggle View Post
...... and bumped right into another girl. Nice one, Sean
"Merlin! Oh wow, I'm - I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to --- are you all right?" he asked, looking concerned at the girl. She seemed about the same age as him, with short blond hair and the prettiest face he'd ever seen. Sean grinned. "Somehow I always end up meeting people this way" he said, and held out his hand. "I'm Sean. I'm new here. Oh, and really really sorry about all of this!" he added with a chuckle. "Not the best way to impress a girl"
Baaaaaaam!Someone had bumped into her.For a second Fee felt a little dizzy.But then she heard the concerned voice of a boy and blinked a few times.Looking at him she smiled."I am totally fine",she nodded,"are you alright?I probably wasnt looking where i was going either."Sometimes the blonde could be sooo dreamy.

"Dont worry about it",the girl shook her head,"when i first attended Hogwarts i bumped into people all the time".In her first year it had been like 5 people a day.Gladly that had died down over the time."And guess what? Thats how i met my best friends",the girl chuckled,"actually how i met most of my friends."So it wasnt a bad thing to run into a people at all.

The guy seemed to be about her age so he probably was a transfer.There were soo many of them this term,what was kinda cool because one of the Slytherins fave things to do was getting to klnow knew peiople."Nice to meet you Sean",the 14 year old smiled friendly,"i am Feenella."Not the best way to impress a girl?D'aawww."Why do you guys always think you need to impress us?",she chuckled,"just stick with being you.Thats the best to impress."
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