{R A N D O M I C O N S } Jedward, Converse, Penguins, & Josh Duhamuel SPOILER!!: WHAAAAT? What is this? { R A N D O M I C O N S } are icons of things that pop up in Jess' mind. Am I allowed to use them? Yes, these icons are for anybody to take; just remember to credit! When will these icons be put up? Everytime Jess finishes a request, four icons will be posted. Quote: Originally Posted by xiiWishiWasYours JENN COMES BEARING cookies a request. What: PP and avvy Size: 300 x 350 for pp and 100 x 100 for av Text: PP:GUESS WHO'S BACK! Oh yeah. Me. Av: Sellieeeeeee (is you want to add all those e's feel free, or you can take some out. XD ) Pictures: HEERREEEE Color Scheme[if needed]: BRIGHT. COLORFUL. No pinks or reds and no TallPeople. Other: You're awesome. JENNJENNJENNJENNJENN. Here's your graphics, hope you like them! <3 I was sooo tempted to put TallPerson in these. xD SPOILER!!: Graphics Under Here! (: [X] Credit Jess [JeshieRAWR] or Magnificent Designs [X] Comment when graphic(s) are picked up [X] Tell me if you need anything changed [X] No hotlinking [X] Enjoy! (: Quote: Originally Posted by LilyLunaGinnyPotter Thank Choo! They're amazing! Yay! Glad you like them! <3 Open! 1.