Ha! I LOL'ed at the "Wait, is it just me or does anyone else thinks that dude in the movie and this guy (he pointed towards Cedric’s dead body lying on the ground a few meters away from him) look incredibly alike?"

I'm glad I made you laugh. I'm afraid that was the end of this ff so I wouldn't be posting any more chapters.

I loved the second half even more than the first. You made me laugh throughout reading this.
This part was hilarious: Only I can live forever! It reminds me of Voldemort in DH.

OMG Voldemort's belly dance and costume! PRICELESS
Poor Cedric. It was so funny how you made them watch TWILIGHT!!!
Awesome ending. <3 I loved reading this. You're a natural at comedy. Great job!
Alyson XX
Again, It's truly satisfying to know that I could bring smiles to people's faces.
poor things...they had to watch twilight...blegh! and great awesome FUNNY HILARIOUS! are all words to describe the second half! ah! i LOVE IT. great job!!

Well thank you! I really hope this ff deserved all these super cool words. :heart2:

!!!!! omg my brother and I always thought it would have been funny if the entire hp cast had broken out in a random dance number when the credits of the last movie rolled, kind of like they do in some other movies, and snape/voldie dancing almost fulfilled this! i wish i could actually see those two dancing...and I actually gasped out loud when twilight was mentioned. hahaha (not such a fan honestly). but it was so funny how into it they (bellatrix) were. this is great!

I know what you mean, I always had some crazy ideas in my mind too, especially during the really serious scenes when they're making some deathly decisions.

Haha I'm glad you liked it.
That was sooo funny! Voldemort dancing..belly dancing!? Moon walking!? HAHAHAH.
Snapypoo? Legend!
That's for getting me to read this, was soo fun to read! XD
Eviee <33
*tackles you* Reading these wonderful comments assures me that I've done something right. It's wonderful hearing about your feedback. Thanks for reading this.
Oh please don't die! I mean no harm!

Wow thanks again for all the great comments. A sequel?

Well that's an idea, but I have't really considered it thus now. I don't know... maybe?

We'll see.
Once again, thanks everyone who have read and commented on this fairly short and crazy story.