Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁ q.u.i.l.l. ~* The Best is Left Unwritten *~ Spike stroked the quill against his chin, his lips curled in amusement as he studied the journal. It had a shiny lock, complete with key. It was also pink. Highly suspicious, no?
Inside the cover, his sister’s handwriting claimed that this diary was 'PRIVATE'. He flicked to the first empty page.
Someone should be more careful where they ‘hide’ things. Surely this thing has a lock for a reason? I was nice this time, and didn’t pry. Next time you mightn’t be so lucky.
With a chuckle, he jumped up to return the journal to where he’d found it.
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