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''Pres'' Luna beamed which she regreted because she was talking to Phillip and another girl she knew to see not to say hello to or anything like that
But then when she saw them walking away she thought it didn't matter anymore ''You know where Rachel is??? If you don't all three of us are terrible at loosing each other''
Presley heard Luna's voice, and spun to see her.
"Luna! I was just about to come look for you. I think Rachel may have said somthing about the restroom? I don't know for sure, it's really noisy here!" That wasn't a complaint, however. Presley was loving it.
"Maybe we should go grab something to eat and wait for her there?" Rachel...where was she? Pres was starting to worry, more than a little. She was only twelve, and in a hugely crowded place like this, she could easily be kidnapped without anyone noticing.
"Leo said to meet him by Ollivanders in two hours!" She had to shout just a little to be hear, but that was okay, the noise was like a comforting blanket.