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Fred is awesome
'Hmm... the Freakshow is always a great place to go!' Rose laughed. 'You've got LOADS of exciting people there!' Rose nodded.
'I met him on the Hogwarts Express, on the way there,' Rose grinned at Ari 'but didn't get to see him after that. Then I saw him in Florean Fortescues!' Rose smiled over at Mordred.
Ari wasn't sure how she'd react upon seeing people with extra limbs or weird sizes, but she appreciated Rose's suggestion anyway. '
Thanks, I'll make sure to go there later.' she replied, smiling.
So you've known him almost as long as I have. We met at Scribbulus'. I couldn't reach the top shelves.' the girl remembered with a grin.
'Hey, who's that girl William is dating? Is she in our House?' Ariadne wondered out loud.
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Emily laughed as she twirled the glow stick between her hands "Yeah, is it just me or are there loads more first years this year?" Probably just her. She'd just never really payed attention to the amount of students going to Hogwarts before.
"Oh you enjoy reading too?!" This got her excited. Everyone else she seemed to know hated to read. "I'm an absolute fanatic when it comes to books! I'll read anything and everything, though I do enjoy Hogwarts: A Histoy. That's always a good read." In fact she had it in bag right now. She'd lost count of how many times she'd read it. "What about you?"
"Oh it's fine." Emily said blushing slightly "I just like to help people out if they're stuck. It's nice to be nice after all!" That was becoming something of a motto for her at the moment.
"You want to be a wandmaker? That's so cool!" She was being serious. She'd read a few books on wandlore and it sounded very exciting. "I'm not sure. This may be surprising but I've always found dragons interesting! Mabye I'd go work with them or something..." She hadn't really given much thought into a future career, but that was something that had always stayed in her mind since she'd first read about them.
They definitely seem more than when I started school, or maybe they're just tinier?' But no, that wasn't possible, as Ariadne herself was one of the tiniest girls Hogwarts has ever seen.
I guess it's because of my mother; she's a bookshop owner, I practically grew up amongst books.' Ari explained her passion for reading. She nodded when Emily mentioned
Hogwarts: A History, as it was one of her favourites as well. '
I enjoy historical books the best.' Speaking of which, she really needed to get a new book to read on the way to Hogwarts.
'It's nice to be nice indeed.' Ari laughed. It was something rather obvious, but she'd never thought of it before. Emily seemed like a really cool person.
'Wow, dragons? Sounds dangerous, no wonder you're a Gryffindor if that's what you want to do in life!' Ari said, amazed.
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"Good thing I did not faint." he joked.
"Well, it was nice of you to ask permission first. I'm really not used to hugs." he confessed.
"The hieroglyphs were extraordinary. Yes, it's pretty much like Arithmancy but deciphering the drawings is tricky business. It could mean a lot; it could have thousands of interpretations! And we're talking about magic here. If you read it wrong, or interpreted it wrong-- the dead mummy will be doomed. You don't want that to happen." he said as he shook his head.
"Although, I found this manuscript from their local market. They don't know the author, they don't even know the language used!" he said as he scratched his nose.
"Did you just see what happened?" Mordred asked about how William confronted him.
"No wonder you don't like his behavior." he said as he kept a mental note about this boy.
I asked for permission because until last year I wasn't used to hugs either, but in my case it was because I was rather antisocial. I can't say I'm super friendly now, but at least I've changed for the best.' Ari felt like she could confess this to Mordred.
'You're right, of course. I haven't thought about that.' she commented while studying the manuscript her Slytherin friend was holding. '
Hmm. Very interesting. Maybe if you talk to Madam Donovan she might help.' Ariadne suggested, as she was pretty fond of her Head of House.
He had no right to talk to you like that. It was outrageous!' Ari said, annoyed. '
If he hadn't treated me like an invisible person, I would've given him a piece of my mind. You acted right.' she added, noting that it was really tacky of William to be parading in front of Rose accompanied by his new girlfriend.