Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Twilight in any shape or form cuz if I did I would be coming home to one Cedric Diggory every day, but sadly I do not own him. 
Just an FYI This story was just moved from the General Fanfiction in case you were wondering.
The train came to a shuddering stop and people immedaitely started flooding out. I picked up my iPod and book as Cedric and I followed the crowd.
"All first year's to the boats!" A large man with a long bushy beard bellowed.
"Well, I guess that's us." I said to Cedric over the sounds of the train and the crowd.
"Wait, you're a first year!" Cedric yelled.
"Of course. Why do you sound so surprised?" I asked
"Well you look like you could be at least a fifth year." He explained. I don't know if was just my imagination but I thought I saw an extra gleam in his eye that I never noticed before. We both headed to the boats. I was by far the tallest student there. I tried squatting down a little so I didn't stand out as much. Cedric chuckled by my side.
When we got onto the boats they magically started moving and headed towards the large luminescent castle across the lake.
"It that it?" I asked Cedric in awe.
"Yeah," He replied. Wow, I get to live in a castle for a year. How nice is that? That's every seven year olds dream. Amazed, I watched as the boats slowly crawled closer to the castle.
When we got to the shore they led us inside to wait by the Great Hall's doors to be sorted. Everybody was buzzing with excitement, wondering what house they'll be in. Cedric stood quietly by my side. After a few minutes of waiting a elderly woman – who we found out is one of our professors – led us into the great hall.
It certainly lived up to its name. Above our heads the night sky glimmered down at us with candles floating below it. I was highly tempted to pull out my phone and send a few pictures to my family but decided against it.
Professor McGonagall started calling us out one by one. Each person went up nervously then went to go sit down at one of the four large tables. It didn't take long for her to get to me.
"Cullen, Renesmee."
I sighed and walked up to the stool so she could put that god awful hat on my head. If Alice could see me now, she'd throw a fit.
"Hmmm." The hat said above me.
"Gah!" I jumped in surprise. Lovely, a talking hat.
"Difficult. Just about the sharpest tack in the box, lots of courage too facing a vampire coven as a tot, also very loyal. Hmmm, but where to put you?" I listened quietly as he rambled on.
"I know! HUFFLEPUFF!" I smiled and went over to sit at the table with a yellow badger banner hanging over it.
Cedric POV
She's in Hufflepuff. Oh Merlin, I hope I'm in Hufflepuff. She's just so pretty and she my age too so she won't leave before I finish school. Oh ,what am I thinking? She has to be the most beautiful girl in the world. She could have any bloody guy she wants, why would she choose me? It doesn't matter; I can admire her from a distance. I know I can.
"Diggory, Cedric."
I nervously walked up to the sorting hat. She put the hat on my head. Please let me be in Hufflepuff.
"Hufflepuff, eh? Well you'd do fine there. Yes, I see great things coming from you. HUFFLEPUFF!" Yes! I walked towards the Hufflepuff table and sat down next to Nessie. She smiled at me.
I looked around the table and could see that most of the boys were staring at Nessie. Naturally, the girls were glaring with jealously. I glared at one boy who was looking at her like she was a piece of meat.
I tried to ignore them and struck up a conversation with Nessie. We laughed and talked throughout the whole feast. I really liked her.
After the feast, Headmaster Dumbledore gave some parting words then the prefects led us to the common room. Ness and I talked some more until she got tired. She took the book and her little rectangular ear probing thingy up to her dorm with her.
I stared into the fire, watching the flames consume the log and slowly started devising a plan to win Nessie's heart before any of the other blokes. Whether it works or not.