Keeper of the Gryffindor Tree Snuffles' Snuggle Ball Quote:
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape Aine smiled at the older boy Nick
Yes I love being Home Schooled, my parents are the best their both super smart she found herself not being able to stop her ramble " My moms a muggle"Aine smirked silently contemplating if it was a good idea to say the thought that came after that, she figured why not theses people seemed nice enough " My moms a empath...and well I inherited it thats why i had to stay home to many emotions give me a a horrible headache at best" She looked quietly up at the other people then back down at her lap feeling shy again, hoping that they didn't automatically reject her for her gifts
Last edited by Harry's_Girl; 08-17-2011 at 02:51 AM.