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Old 08-16-2011, 02:59 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aine (AWN-ya) Starz
Second Year
Keeper of the Gryffindor Tree Snuffles' Snuggle Ball

Originally Posted by GrapehGrape

Nick looked around at the three people around him. The one boy he had been talking to couldn't have been much younger than him. And the other two couldn't be any older than twelve. That was for sure.

He turned his head as he heard the boy (August) say Muggle school. "You went to Muggle school? I did to while I was home schooled magic." Nick wondered how the boy felt about muggle school. He himself highly disliked it.

Nick chuckled slightly at the comment about getting hexed or something like that. "She looked like she'd do it." And that wasn't a lie at all. "August. That's a different name." It was kind of a cool name though. Much cooler than Nicholas. "Fourth." He still felt weird starting at Hogwarts so late. Oh well. He really had had no choice in the matter.

...and then the younger boy started to have a sneezing fit. Nick knew he had been close in judging the age. Ah. Nick was glad he didn't have those kinds of allergies that made him go into sneezing fits. The bee sting allergy was pretty bad though...Nick nodded at William. Then he turned to the girl who had spoken up. Her name was Aine and she was going to be a second year. Score two for Nick.

So she was home schooled too huh? "Did you like being home schooled?" Simple question. Ah. So she was the reason for William's nonstop sneezing. He looked out the side as they went higher and higher. Gosh he loved the view from up here.
Aine smiled at the older boy Nick
Yes I love being Home Schooled, my parents are the best their both super smart
she found herself not being able to stop her ramble " My moms a muggle"Aine smirked silently contemplating if it was a good idea to say the thought that came after that, she figured why not theses people seemed nice enough " My moms a empath...and well I inherited it thats why i had to stay home to many emotions give me a a horrible headache at best" She looked quietly up at the other people then back down at her lap feeling shy again, hoping that they didn't automatically reject her for her gifts

Last edited by Harry's_Girl; 08-17-2011 at 02:51 AM.
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