Originally Posted by
Marcelo smiled, though more to himself, as he seemed to have got the sum right. At first, he had thought the calculatios of this money was hard, but now he got the hang of it.
Fishing his wallet, he handed the woman 9 galleons and 5 sickles as he took his package and stood one step to the side to allow the next customer place their stuff on the counter while he waited for the exchange. Which shop shoud he visit next?..
Helena put the money in the till and fished out his remaining Knuts of change.
"There you go," she said with a smile handing to him with a small smile.
Originally Posted by
"I’d love one, thank you!”
Oooooo, yum! Cookies! Sinead selected an oatmeal raisin cookie and took a bit as she counted out the Sickles. It was worth more than the remaining 25 Knuts.
“These are delicious, did you make them yourself?” At home, the house elves cooked. Their food was delicious, but these cookies were so much better than theirs.
"Yeah, I did actually," Helena replied with a smile. She was glad they were going over as a hit! And that she hadn't let Lorelei bake them as she had offered.