Originally Posted by
princess of*hp*
Theodore, hands stuffed in his pockets, trotted along the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley. Good thing he had moved here the summer before, eh? If he had transferred into Hogwarts as a seventh year and had happened upon this crazy carnival scene on his first venture to Diagon Alley, Theo would have keeled over, or freaked out, or done something typical of his former self. However, things had changed. After a year that began friendless, that progressed to a boyfriend, that progressed to friends, and that ended with a bully, things had been well. Even after the ordeal at that random island and being terrified of Emma Malfoy's older brother not too long ago, Theodore felt like he had developed a thicker skin. Thus, even as he passed by various freaky-looking people both carnie and not, he was mostly unphased. So... what to do?
His eyes were immediately drawn to the life-sized bouncy castle. Hogwarts, the inflatable version, brought a smile to his face as he looked forward to the place he would return to on September 1. And, more importantly, who he would return to. By a stroke of luck, as he lowered his gaze from what was supposed to be the astronomy tower, his eyes fell upon... Alfie. ♥__♥ Metaphorical hearts in his eyes, Theo speed-walked to catch her before he left, but paused out of nowhere. How to approach her? Sneaking up slowly from behind, he placed his hands over her eyes and smirked all the while. "Guess who?" He teased, holding back a laugh.
Alfie couldn't believe the amount of people around. So many wandering in and out of the shops, but the majority finding their way around the many carnival attractions. She recognized a few people from her classes, but didn't know anyone well enough to say hello. And besides, she was perfectly content on her bench. Long light blonde hair cascading over her shoulders in light waves, her large blue eyes observed the mass amounts of people. She was staring again. But Alfie's staring was never creepy, moreso extremely curious, as though she found a great interest in the things that were happening that day. And it's true, the whole place was quite a sight.
But then, as though to take away her sole form of connection to the people around her, suddenly her large eyes were covered with a pair of hands, blanketing her world in darkness as he suggested she guess who it was. At the very sudden contact, the little Ravvie gave a jump and a
"Merlin!", nearly bouncing out of her seat in surprise. But it was then, just in time as she was about to freak out, that the voice seemed to register with the girl who just now got the chance to reflect on it. Guess who...? She relaxed just slightly and let out a soft giggle as realization fell into her features, "Honestly, I really really hope it's my boyfriend otherwise I'm gonna have to freak out again." With that she gently removed his hands only to turn her head and find none other than Theodore Dumble standing behind her. Alfie's face immediately lit up and a warm smile fell into her features, "I'm great at guessing," she announced with playful pride, immediately standing up and rounding the short bench. In the next moment, she was in his arms, her small frame hugging him tightly as she gazed up at him with near sparkling blue eyes. "Hi."