Thread: My Poetry
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Old 11-12-2004, 01:57 AM   #33 (permalink)
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: wouldnt YOU like to know....
Posts: 198

aaaw u like me u really like me...that much
well lets see where do i start here ya go to make up for lost times:

A Little Less Time

not a masterpiece
nothing special
simply here
no unaccounted hours ever spent on me
a simple chord
no thoughts gone unwritten
on this plain white page
i can only try
others do the same
so still nothing more than there
i am my own band for none else will play
to applaude my own silent melody
a reminder of what bliss
being no one brings

No Time To Wave

not a word in silence
retreat to mourn
dark for the breathless
grey for the blind
why not ask for mercy
when beat is so many prayers away
stack and topple
shade the light from view
and love
broken down too many a day
a certain proposal to leave in peace
search and rescue before its too late
or should i have the heart to
pull in the drapery
listen once for a lifetime
and slowly take my place in rest
one more note to hear
one more cry for tears
that just refuse to give
one more feather to fall
my last farewell to all


scatter the timber poles
the thick draped crow is left of murder
how lovely a broken balance
to keep held within
not one of my better
heade my best
raindrop, teardrop
we all cry for one thing
does the earth part for you alone
if stone should give
the archway cave
the willow grin
who will be left
but the thick draped crow

~lotsa luv for bein so patient with me~
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