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Old 08-12-2011, 03:57 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nessie C. Masen~McIntyre
Third Year

Chapter 2~ First Sight

A/N: Hey people. I'm so glad that posting it over here has gotton some response. Thank you everyone. This story just seems like it belongs over here if you know what I mean.

" - Well hey hey baby, it's never too late, pretty soon you won't remember a thing. And I'll be distant as the stars reminiscing, your heart's been wasted on me. You've never been so used as I'm using you, abusing you, my little decoy, Don't look so blue as I'm using you my little decoy." I sang quietly to myself, trying to forget all of the recent events as we exited the terminal in London. Alice was bouncing in pure excitement to revisit the freak mall.

"Oh My God, I can't believe that this is happening! This is so exciting, Oh! You'll need to teach me some tricks, Nessie! Ugh! Why do you have to listen to that depressing music of yours? Try listening to something happier for a change." Alice babbled on as we got on one of London's famous double decker buses to go to the entrance ofthat shopping center. I sat quietly trying to immerse myself into my music. Sadly, Alice's excitement rubbed off on a few others. Even strangers seemed to start smiling. Though at some point I cracked.

"Alice! Enough! Just shut up before you say something that will get us in trouble." I said before turning back to glare at the seat in front of me. Why did we even agree to let her come? She has too much energy for her own good.

The bus shuddered to a stop and a family of three came onto the bus. They sat a few seats in front of me. They all turned around to look at my family but tried to avert their eyes. The little boy kept looking back at me at various intervals. He didn't look at anyone else except for me. He looked fascinated that someone so angry and cruel looking could be so pretty.

Eventually, we came to a stop at a shady looking pub. There was a slightly rotten sign with a witch stirring a cauldron that read underneath 'The Leaky Cauldron'. It looked like it could be a place where my kind hang out. The family followed behind us. I paid no attention.

"Alice, are you sure this is the place?" Mom asked. Alice nodded vigorously.

"Yes, I remember this place." The mother of the family came over.

"Excuse me? You wouldn't by any chance be looking for Diagon Ally are you?" She said in a sweet, welcoming, and motherly voice. "We were just heading there now. We can show you the way if you'd like. I'm Thelma Diggory. This is my husband, Amos Diggory, and this is my son, Cedric Diggory. He's starting his first year of Hogwarts this year." She said pointing to her son and her husband. The boy did not take his eyes off me. I noticed now his features. He was a very cute boy, he had light brown hair, green-blue eyes, and pink lips. He looks thin but not so thin and fairly pale. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought he were part vampire. Carlisle stepped up and introduced the family.

"Help would be nice, Mrs. Diggory. We just recently found out that our daughter is a witch and this whole world is new to us. We'll take as much help as we can get. I'm Carlisle Cullen, these are my daughters: Bella Swan, Rosalie Hale, Alice Cullen, and Nessie Cullen. Myy sons are: Edward Cullen, Emmett Cullen, and Jasper Hale. This is my wife Esme." Esme smiled warmly at the Diggory family.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm assuming that you all are not wizards but might I ask which one of you are?" Mrs. Diggory asked. I stepped forward.

"That would be me. I'm still wrapping my head around it." I said trying my hardest to sound nice and sweet but I still sounded depressed and jaded.

"Oh! You'll get used to it. Wizarding is very useful in everyday life. Just don't let the muggles see you. Now let's get out of this rain and show you lot Diagon Alley." She said taking my arm and leading me towards the small pub. Damn, she is strong.

"Excuse me, but what is a muggle?" I asked her. She laughed daintily.

"Oh dear! You do have a lot to learn! A muggle is a non magical being. It's extremely tricky interacting with them, though not forbidden. Muggle-Wizard relationships and marriages are quite common actually, though you have to be absolutely sure about the relationship before you drop the bomb. Oh, but you don't have to worry about that now but it's nice to know anyway. I never did have a daughter. I always fantasized about what it would be like to do all those mother daughter things." Mrs. Diggory is really nice. Though she sounds like Alice. Her voice is very reassuring and I felt my anger and resentment towards my 'ability' melt away.

"Why don't you have another kid then, Mrs. Diggory?" I asked. She sighed a burdened sigh.

"After I had Cedric the doctors told me that I couldn't have anymore children. I went to St. Mungo's and they said it was irreversible. But I'm fine with Cedric, I love him to death and I wouldn't change anything." I felt sympathy towards her story. I knew that Rosalie regretted not being able to have children along with Esme and possibly Alice and I also knew that if mom had the chance she would have another. Point being that it's much more different hearing the grief from a living breathing person. Much more sad.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Don't be sorry. Like I said Cedric is my life and I wouldn't change it for the world." Mr. Diggory started poking various bricks on the wall we walked up to. I pulled her into a hug blinking back tears over her shoulder. She had this affect on me that made me love her like a second mother. She just seemed too innocent to have gone through this type of pain. I pulled away and watched as the brick wall disappeared and a street filled to the brim with people. I followed the others through the archway. The Diggorys bid us a goodbye and we were on our way.

"What's first?" I asked as we walked down the street.

"Why don't we get your wand first?" Mom said as we approached a beaten down shop.

"Bella! Can I get a wand too?" Emmett whined like a three year old. She sighed.

"No, Emmett you can't."

"Why not?" he whined.

"Because Nessie is my favorite." She said as we entered the building. There was a kid in there trying out different wands most of them had a bad reaction. Bad reaction meaning I had to duck to avoid getting my head impaled with a wand. But finally the boy got a wand that didn't put my life at risk, payed for it, and left. The old man behind the beaten desk motioned me forward. He went over to the back of the store and pulled various dusty boxes.

"Well, go on try the lot out." I pulled a wand out of the first box and waved it a bit. It almost automatically flew towards Emmett's head. I giggled at the look on his face.

"You did that on purpose." He accused.

"No, but I wish I thought of it before." I said before reaching for the next box. I waved it and a few boxes from a shelf flew to the other side of the room. I quickly put that one back in the box. I pulled the final one out of the box mentally crossing my fingers hoping that this one would be the one. It was a little over a foot long and made out of what looked like cherry. I waved it and a tingling shot through my fingers. It was a pleasant feeling.

"Ah, Cherry, 14 and one half inches, Thestral Hair core, quite flexible. A very nice wand. Use it wisely young one and you shall do great things." The old man said wrapping it in a box and giving it to me. He leaned in closer to me.

"Use it well." He said before Esme tuned me towards the door. We spent a few hours shopping in Diagon Alley. After getting my school supplies, most of it might I say was in the book shop for mom was like a kid in a candy store with that one, Dad got me the most beautiful Barn Owl to keep me company over the year. I named her Kamilah. I was beginning to become fascinated with my new world. Everything was just so interesting!

Eventually we exited Diagon Alley. We took the bus to our new home to await my departure to my new school.

A/N: Kamilah means Flawless in Arabic.

Thanks a bunch to my beta Flags-R-Us. Luvs ya!
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