Thread: Train Corridor
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Old 08-11-2011, 10:11 PM   #58 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Sucking in her bottom lip, she first considered turning and heading back to the prefect's compartment where she couldn't be reached by Lexi, but as her words started to sink in, the thought and desire started to fad.

Slowly, hesitantly, she reached a hand out to give Merlin's ear a scratch. "Does Sabel know? That your trying to give me, Merlin?" So much sense was being made by Lexi, and she knew it. But she still couldn't bring herself to willingly accept the creature. What would Sabel say when he picked her up at the platform?
Why was she not just taking the kittttty? BAH! "He will know. I will write to him and tell him everything, I swear. I just... it's not right. I was being selfish then... and I apologize for that. Please, Arya. Just take him," she said as she tried to thrust the black ball of fur into the other girl's arms. She was going to take the cat. SHE WAS.

Last edited by Erindipity; 08-11-2011 at 10:31 PM.
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