Originally Posted by
ortalismusicoh "Well good then." said Nessie looking at Tyler finger again. It did look like only a small cut but knowing herself sometimes the smallest cuts were the worst. She noticed he said sorry to Puffles. She was kind of happy in a way, that Tyler didn't ignore her pygmy puff because Puffles was like one of her best friends. She felt Puffles shake up and down on her shoulder, he was probably trying to nod.
She turned around once again, hoping he wouldn't carry on doing this it was starting to annoy her. "Being like what?"She asked a little confused All she wanted to do was leave and why was that so bad. He probably could sense that Nessie wasn't too happy Rose came in but it wasn't because she hated Rose it was more because she was starting to think of Rose as competition.
Obviously he would have thought that, boys never really did understood how girls worked. "No why would we have an argument?"She asked. She would have left again but for some reason Tyler really wanted her to stay. She decided if things at any point started getting bad she'd leave. "Anyway, why do you want me to stay so bad?" She wanted to at least know why.
Rose wanted to know what happend. Not a chance Ness was going to tell her, well not right now maybe later if she was able to. She looked at Rose again thinking of what to say to her. "Nothing really, I just um.. managed to apologize to Tyler" said Ness at least what she said was true, but she didn't say everything that they had spoken about.
Nessie looked out the window again. She wished she didn't have to be here. This was making her worried and also pretty upset. Couldn't Tyler see she needed to go. Guess not.
"Like what? Really, that's a dumb question Nessie, ever since Rose got here you've completely changed, you didn't want to leave when it was just me here" he sighed, what was he meant to say now? She seemed determined to leave.
"I don't know, why would you have an argument?" Tyler said, looking at Nessie hoping she'd get what he meant. If Rose ever found out what Nessie had revealed to him he could guarantee there would be an argument. For all he knew this might have not been the first time Nessie had betrayed Rose causing an earlier argument.
"Uh, because you're my best friend that's why" Tyler said, stating the obvious. The two of them had only just started talking again, they had so much to catch up on, so much he'd missed. He just wanted to spend time with her.
He watched the two of them keeping quiet as Nessie lied to Rose, it wasn't exactly a lie because they did apologize, he guessed she was just leaving out the bad part.
Originally Posted by
Fred is awesome Rose was surprised when Tyler laughed. 'Try me!' Rose grinned, wondering what was going on. Nessie looked embarrased, Tyler looked embarrased. The only situation was the one she hoped it wasn't...
He shook his head slowly. "What she said. My mouth is closed" he said, looking over at his owl sat in its cadge on the nearby seats, anything to avoid looking at them two right now.