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Compootor Philip smiled lovingly and chewed on the other end of the gummy wand. He squeezed Dani softly and looked into her eyes. He gave a quiet nod when she suggested playing Quidditch over the Summer, shrugging when she asked him about his hobbies. "I don't know, I'm boring, I don't do much. I suppose I like.. Spell Pong and Reading. I like swimming and.. And.. Er..." He struggled to find something else he liked to do, trying with all his might not to be boring.
Dani smiled- "
I just love to draw" she nodded- "
That's why I want to design when I'm older. Maybe dress robes and stuff" she shrugged as she smirked at him- "
And I love to read too!" she said softly as she moved and gave him a big hug, settling in his arms as she sighed softly. "
And I dance too" she nodded- "
Ballet" she smiled at him as she moved in his arms so that she could look at him.