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Old 08-11-2011, 11:33 AM   #132 (permalink)
nogoodforyou's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nora Penelope Reed
I'm just one of those pretty little liars... | | I'm held down in this starless city...

Originally Posted by DracikinsLuver4321 View Post
Hellooo, heheh I'm back again just like I said I would be.

What do you want?: A siggie pleease.
What size?: The height no bigger than 150px if you will.
I need pictures!: M'kay so anything from here, here, OR here
How about the text?: Colton Marquis and underneath it Durmstrang Graduate Heh just realized the model I changed him to's name is Colton
What colours do you want me to use?: Whatever colors you think will make them look kinda manly-ish
Is there anything you DON'T want me to do?: None that I can think of
Anything else?: Nooope.
Hello! And welcome back.

SPOILER!!: signature

Originally Posted by Some Mystical Girl View Post
hiii there- first time requesting so here goes.

What do you want? PP and 2 or 3 avvies.
What size? Normal SS required
I need pictures! Pictures are here
How about the text?
PP: Danielle Dubois, Sixth Year Slytherin
What colours do you want me to use? Am not fussed at all really- maybe blues/purples/pinks... although tbh, just do what works best with the pics.
Is there anything you DON'T want me to do? Nopeee.
Anything else? Nopee
Will you come back? (lol, don't answer that XD) Of course!


SPOILER!!: profile picture + avatars


Aaaand you two, please let me know if you want anything changed.

Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass View Post
Thank you soooooooooooooo much they are absolutely beautiful . Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Aww you're welcome!
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