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Compootor Philip chuckled happily, nodding when she said they could go on all day. He kissed her back happily and nuzzled her softly. He almost laughed aloud when she suggested they should go on a date. "Oh yes, yes we should!" He chuckled. This he looked forward to. The years he had spent not trying to get girls he spent devising what to do when he finally got one. This meant that he had developed his skill at romanticism without ever getting the chance to use it. He ran his finger slowly across her cheek, unable to contain his grin when she smiled so adorably at him.
Dani smirked a little and nodded- "
It will be awesome I'm sure!" she said with another little nod, adjusting the bow headband that she had in her hair, she moved and took off her light pink heels, setting them down nearby before turning back to him. "
So... what we do on this date? Or is it going to be a... surprise?" she smirked again as she kissed his cheek and moved back to watch him intently with her usual cute smile.