Originally Posted by
Lady Lulu Vengenz
Oh, the end of term feast. Something Stephen looked forward to because, well because there were many different kinds of food. Walking towards his house table, he noticed a head full of blonde hair and headed that way. "Excuse me, excuse me, MOVE IT," he said to the students that were crowding the narrows paths. Once there, he slid into a seat and gently crashed into Aimee.
"Hey blondie. Why are you reading a book at a feast like this? Should you be more focused on friends and foooood?" he asked, taking a sip of his juice.
So focused on her book, Aimée didn't notice at first when the black haired boy sat down next to her. It was when he nudged her, and she turned around to make a snappy comment at whoever the 'rude person' was, that her face turned a slighty pink and the retort died on her lips.
"Uh... because I want to," she managed instead, avoiding his gaze as she turned back to close the book.
"And I'm not hungry."
She wasn't going to mention that the few people she did know were already deep in conversation any more than she was going to admit that she'd been avoiding him. The thought was kind of embarrassing.