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Harron Peasley Aimée sighed a little, flicking through the book that lay on the table beside her rather empty plate. Empty because she hadn't felt like eating much, not because she'd eaten a lot. She turned the page as she finished it, taking a sip of her Pumpkin Juice.
It was the End of Term feast, and at the brief glances she'd taken at the table, their was a mixture of emotions. A lot of people, namely the seventh years, were seeming very depressed about it, and she knew that that was because they weren't coming back. The blonde thought about how she'd feel, in two years, when she wasn't going to be returning. It was a weird thought, and it confused her a little, so she ignored it and went back to her book.
In truth, she was a little impatient with the feast, and wanted to be on the train back home.
Oh, the end of term feast. Something Stephen looked forward to because, well because there were many different kinds of food. Walking towards his house table, he noticed a head full of blonde hair and headed that way.
"Excuse me, excuse me, MOVE IT," he said to the students that were crowding the narrows paths. Once there, he slid into a seat and gently crashed into Aimee.
"Hey blondie. Why are you reading a book at a feast like this? Should you be more focused on friends and foooood?" he asked, taking a sip of his juice.