♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] a u t h o r 's c h o i c e ♥. Heel the World Dating. "Those -" Shel's gaze flickered towards the stilettos Sarah was surveying. "Might just be the reason dinosaurs are extinct. Someone probably invented a bunch, and scared the dinos to death."
Sarah chuckled. "Humans didn't exist back then, remember?"
"That's what they'd have us believe," Shel said, tones a feigned dark. Then... "You know you can't wear these to the Springs' dance, don't you? They have to be eight inches." Buying them was asking for trouble.
"Of course I do," Sarah said, her expression innocent. "Why would I buy something like that?"
He raised his arms in mock surrender, a grin lifting his lips. |