Originally Posted by
DanialRadFAN01 Obviously missing some of the hesitation and bulging eye sockets, Armen grinned excitedly at the woman who spoke up. "It is isn't it? To bad I didn't come up with it myself! Lord Borr thought of it of course." he said, it was true however, if he had come up with it he would be even closer to Borr, which anyone in their right mind in the Ministry today knew that was the best of all options.
Of course. Who else would come up with such
genius ideas. Yay for Lord Borr. Maine didn't say anything, though. She just continued smiling, yeah. Maine'd make a great actress someday.
Originally Posted by
DanialRadFAN01 After agreeing with the other ladies at how awesome and wonderful the idea of going out and planting trees would be and how benefitial it was to the world and his Department in the eyes of Borr and the Cult, Katrina and Maine both asked for more information in the goings-on of this assignment.
"Excellent questions ladies." he said nodding to both of them. "That is actually where I am going next. Now we will be splitting into two main groups." he said eyeing the room.
"Group one will be the one in charge of the tree planting and it's promotion throughout the Ministry. We are not alone on this project, other departments, including the Environmental workers on level four should all be joining us in this project. So team one will be made up of Andie, Maine, Holli, Layla, Leo, and Allie." he made a few marks on his clipboard and continued.
"They will be supervised by Aidon, our Broom Supervisor and Anna or Floo network supervisor."
Armen took two stacks of flyers and placed them on either end of the table.
"Now you all will spread out and drop off a flyer, created by Kaishu Shiradou on Level 4, at some shops in Diagon Alley and just breifly explaining the cause to them. Then you will procede in actually planting some of the trees that will be placed when you arrive." He nodded. Pretty simple and it would help better the world.
"Now team two will begin helping me with the situation that is unfolding with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, can anyone tell me what's going on with that, what have you heard?" he said leaning on the table, looking at them all. He wanted to know how much the MLE stooges had corrupted his employees, if they had told them he was a loon, or if they were rightly informed; that it was the best for the Ministry and Armen did his duty in taking them away.
Maine grinned. Tree planting. Oh, Joy!
Looking down at her nails, Maine frowned. Way too long for tree-planting. Murmuring a wandless spell, she trimmed off her nails and vanished the clippings.
Looking at the flyer nearer to her, she nodded approvingly. It was creative!
"When do we start?" Maine asked, as she scribbled a few notes on her memo pad before giving in and charming her pen to do it on its own.